Introvert: A Tool Of Well-Being
By Vivek Kumar Yadav

Meaning of introvert
An introvert is often thought of as a quiet, self-contained, and shy individual. They don’t seek out
special attention or social gatherings, as these events can leave introverts feeling debilitated and
“I’m an introvert… I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my
dogs and looking at the trees, flowers, and the sky.” – Audrey Hepburn
5 Rules of being “Introvert” and being happy about it…
The following are 5 rules I try to live by when it comes to being introvert. They add immense
value to my life in many ways.
1. Be an observer
Have a look at your surroundings and deliberately notice the who, what, where, when and why if
possible. TRY to observe what you can sense – see, hear, feel, touch, smell, and whatever other
senses your body have. Keep doing it. Whenever you greet someone or talk to someone, discover
five things that you like about them. Not only will this boost your observational skills, it will also
boost your confidence.
2. Talk to yourself
Every single person has an internal voice with whom he/she talks at all hours of all days, and
getting to know the process of doing this talk is one of the most energetic things you can
organize for a better wellbeing. The way that you talk to yourself when no one else is around will
resolve who you are in this world more than anything else and what you are actually meant for, it
will also boost your thinking power the ability to analyze the problematic thing in life.
3. Be Creative
In order to become a creative person, you must need to follow certain steps that may help you
out to discover a creative person in you.
- Try to create something whether good or bad, just create rather than sitting ideal
- Create a schedule and work accordingly.
- Stop judging your own work.
- Always finish the task you started instead of dropping that just because you thought it not
so effective.
4. Make quality Friends.
Introverts choose their friends wisely. They would rather have a few close, trustworthy friends
on whom they trust blindly. Since Introverts are pretty picky about who we bring into our lives
therefore this quality causes introverts to be loyal, attentive and committed friends
5. Become good listener.
Introverts process information internally. That skill permits them to hear, appreciate and provide
carefully considered insight when they do respond. Because introverts naturally feel not as much
of comfortable speaking rather focused much on the listening part, they choose their words
sensibly. They only speak when they have something to say, so there is a higher chance that they
will have an influencing nature.
Moore, J., 2020. INTROVERT (The Art of Growth Book 8). [online]
Time. 2020. The Surprising Benefits of Being An Introvert. [online]
Healthline. 2020. What Is An Introvert? Personality, Characteristics, Type, And More. [online]